Thomas Jefferson once said, “A walk about Paris will provide lessons in history, beauty and in the point of life” and who are we to disagree?
Our certified guides are excited to take you on this private tour through the heart of Paris. During the journey, you’ll hear fascinating stories about major figures like Napoleon Bonaparte and Henri IV; visit the Notre Dame Cathedral (Exterior Only); wander through the Tuileries; and gaze at the posh Champs Elysées, where the guillotine once stood. Our guides will also share insider tips, Paris’s best-kept secrets and their favorite spots, so that by the end of the tour, you’ll be more than ready to explore the city on your own!
Highlights Generally Include:
Notre Dame Cathedral (Exterior Only)
Saint Michel Fountain, with its gorgeous carvings
Pont Neuf, Paris’s oldest bridge
Great experience. Just myself and sister in the group. Guide was enthusiastic and knowledgeable!
This tour was fantastic!!!
Our tour was awesome from start to finish. Josephine our tour guide spoke well and gave the tour and explanations of what we were seeing in a great story form, I am no expert but I felt so well informed and entertained by the stories that were told during our tour. These stories keep you engaged during the full un-rushed tour. Our guide showed us around and hit the hot spots, any guide can walk you around, but Josephine kept you entertained and informed, we had a great time and would recommend them to anyone.
Thank you to our spectacular tour guide, Belen! We learned so much, and enjoyed every minute. Belen was super informed, engaging, and kind. Her approach is cerebral but not intimidating- exactly what we were looking for. I will absolutely recommend her to friends visiting Paris and will look forward to touring with her again.
Our walking tour with Babylon Tours was a great experience due to having a great guide. Belen, who majored in Art History, did a wonderful job connecting the history of France with the sites and art that we toured. I would recommend touring with this company, especially if their other guides are as accommodating, friendly, and knowledgeable as Belen. Thanks again Belen!